Joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand
Joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand

joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand

He has the right to say what he wants,' that continues on the line where there is this implicit support to say racist things on these platforms," she said in an interview before Mr Ek's letter. It’s a convenient way of shirking accountability for misleading people about their life-or-death health decisions."If Spotify says, 'We can't drop him. Rogan says he is curious, merely interested in asking questions. Sometimes, racism is sprinkled in his conversations, just to keep things interesting.

joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand

His guests are often people hovering on the intellectual fringes, purveying dangerous misinformation about Covid and other topics. Rogan muses on whatever is on his mind - including false claims that Covid vaccines are “essentially a gene therapy,” for example. Rogan hosts a wildly popular podcast on Spotify, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” for which he claims he often does little preparation. He eventually ventured into podcasting, as one does. Rogan became a mixed martial arts color commentator. It was a garish but entertaining spectacle, the kind of show where you could spend the entire episode with your shoulders hunched up to your ears, cringing as people humiliated and degraded themselves for a chance at $50,000 and 15 minutes of microfame. Contestants on the show ate bugs, lay down in beds of snakes or jumped from a helicopters into a lake. I remember him from another reality TV show, “Fear Factor,” which he hosted in the early part of this century. That, like the idea that living in an off-the-grid yurt frees one from the demands, responsibilities and complicities of human society, is an illusion.

joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand

They want free speech to exist in a vacuum, free from context, free from criticism. Too many people believe that the right to free speech means the right to say whatever they want, wherever, whenever, on whatever platform they choose, without consequence. We are expressing our taste and moral discernment, and saying what we find acceptable and what we do not. When we say, as a society, that bigotry and misinformation are unacceptable, and that people who espouse those ideas don’t deserve access to significant platforms, that’s curation. When we are not free to express ourselves, when we can be thrown in jail or even lose our lives for speaking freely, that is censorship. There’s a difference between censorship and curation. And because I am a writer, I know that language matters. Instead, I’m trying to do the best I can, and take a stand when I think I can have an impact. I am not looking for purity it doesn’t exist. Every day, I try to make the best decisions possible about what I create, what I consume, and who I collaborate with - but living in the world, participating in capitalism, requires moral compromise.

Joe rogan spotify roxane takes stand